Course Content
fe-Commerce VIP – Speed up your business-building process
Discover effective ways to foster a supportive and collaborative team environment that promotes growth, mentorship, and success.
VIP Marketing Actions
This section teaches you how to expand your FREE TNT Global Market with Clubshoppers, Merchant Affiliates, and Affinity Groups.
(LEGACY) Strategic Vision Of Your Clubshop Business
"Ignorant quem portum petat nullus suus ventus est." - Seneca. "No wind is favorable for the sailor who doesn't know which port he wants to land at." Speaking this metaphor Seneca almost certainly had your Clubshop business in mind. Without knowing where you want to go with it, you won't go anywhere. Watching this webinar divided into eight short videos, and sharing the Clubshop mission is therefore essential for anyone who wants to achieve important results with their Clubshop business.
Clubshop GPS Essential Training
About Lesson

The first important thing to bear in mind if you want to succeed in this business or life in general: you can’t build wealth in just a few weeks or months.

So, please stop with that “micro-wave” mentality that the majority of poor people have. They think that they are supposed to make money in a concise period of time.

They never become rich because they always give up when the initial results are not what they wrongly expected.

If you are involved in a real, legitimate, and profitable business, you need to learn how it works, plan your work, and work your plan with faith, enthusiasm, passions, and persistence until you have achieved all your progressive goals.

At Clubshop, you can make it much faster than in any other way, but the principle remains the same.

Is it worth your effort?

You decide. With the right mindset, in just a few years of years from now, you could enjoy a $10k monthly passive income based on a 10,000-people market.

How is your GPS going to build this nice market from scratch, even if you have no experience and no superpowers at all? You need the right approach to follow your GPS with clarity of purpose and persistence.

See carefully the video of this lesson even several times, if needed, to start getting the good vision and mindset you need to succeed.

In the following lessons, you will find an explanation about each GPS component that may help you and every other Partner keep on track and start earning some interesting commissions rapidly while building your monthly passive income—the real goal of every Partner’s business.

Always bear in mind that earning “Fast Start Bonus” and “Hyper-Duplication Bonus is not the real goal of your business!

These are simple “direct commissions” similar to what you could earn in every other traditional business based on sales. We only make it simpler to earn it for everybody, even if you have no sales experience at all.

But Direct Commissions here at Clubshop are just tools that can help you generate cash flow from the very beginning while building your Clubshop Market, the real asset that will generate your passive income for the months and years to come.

What’s a “passive income?”: Passive income is income that requires an initial investment in terms of time or money, and a little to no effort to earn and maintain. It is called progressive passive income when the earner expends little effort to grow the income.”

This means that if you really want to enjoy a significant passive income, you can’t expect to earn it overnight without at least an initial commitment.

REMEMBER: Riches are always the outcome of a definite plan followed with faith, passion, and persistence, finalized to satisfy a burning desire for wealth!

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Adelina Serban 2 years ago