Course Content
fe-Commerce VIP – Speed up your business-building process
Discover effective ways to foster a supportive and collaborative team environment that promotes growth, mentorship, and success.
VIP Marketing Actions
This section teaches you how to expand your FREE TNT Global Market with Clubshoppers, Merchant Affiliates, and Affinity Groups.
(LEGACY) Strategic Vision Of Your Clubshop Business
"Ignorant quem portum petat nullus suus ventus est." - Seneca. "No wind is favorable for the sailor who doesn't know which port he wants to land at." Speaking this metaphor Seneca almost certainly had your Clubshop business in mind. Without knowing where you want to go with it, you won't go anywhere. Watching this webinar divided into eight short videos, and sharing the Clubshop mission is therefore essential for anyone who wants to achieve important results with their Clubshop business.
Clubshop GPS Essential Training
About Lesson

Duplication is the cornerstone of any successful business.

Enabling individuals to initiate the process of duplication within their first 48 hours can make a world of difference.

At Clubshop fe-Commerce, we offer a fast start strategy to all dedicated and ambitious Members.

This strategy empowers them to take the right actions from the outset, establishing the foundation of their FREE TNT Global Market in the initial weeks and potentially leading to earnings as early as the first month.

The fast start strategy is called “fe-Commerce JumpStart” and all new Clubshop Members will find its button greatly visible on their thank you page and on their dashboard.

Once you understand it’s potential, you’ll be able to see the turbo-charge effect it can have on their (and your) team duplication rate, which combined with our amazing TNT Strategy can literally create momentum in just a few weeks with people duplicating themeselves, earning cashback and producing TNT commissions for all like crazy.

This is how the fe-Commerce JumpStart works:

  1. Every new Clubshop Member, can click the button to ask for the “JumpStart” before the end of their first 30 days as Clubshop members.
  2. After requesting the JumpStart activation, they have 48 hours to purchase anything they want at the Clubshop Outlet*.
  3. Once their purchase is completed, we credit them with 6 COOP Shares, which gives them the right to receive 12 Shopper Member accounts into their TNT Global Market.
  4. The Members they’ll receive will be distributed by their line builder to complete their first second, or more, vertical lines.

Because as it belongs to us, there is no delay in receiving the purchase confirmation and corresponding commissions from this Mall’s store unlike it happens with the other ones which sometimes are quite slow in confirming the transactions. Furthermore, sometimes they don’t recognize any commission on certain categories of products.

*Why JumpStart works with the Clubshop Outlet* Only?

Because it’s our own store, which guarantees that we quickly get confirmation of your purchases and the corresponding commissions. This doesn’t happen as reliably with other stores, which can sometimes take a while to confirm transactions. Additionally, some stores may not recognize commissions for certain types of products.


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