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fe-Commerce VIP – Speed up your business-building process
Discover effective ways to foster a supportive and collaborative team environment that promotes growth, mentorship, and success.
VIP Marketing Actions
This section teaches you how to expand your FREE TNT Global Market with Clubshoppers, Merchant Affiliates, and Affinity Groups.
(LEGACY) Strategic Vision Of Your Clubshop Business
"Ignorant quem portum petat nullus suus ventus est." - Seneca. "No wind is favorable for the sailor who doesn't know which port he wants to land at." Speaking this metaphor Seneca almost certainly had your Clubshop business in mind. Without knowing where you want to go with it, you won't go anywhere. Watching this webinar divided into eight short videos, and sharing the Clubshop mission is therefore essential for anyone who wants to achieve important results with their Clubshop business.
Clubshop GPS Essential Training
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Clubshop Community Contribution

Click Here To Go To The Compensation Plan Lesson.

The More Your Organization Grows, The More Your Teammates Need Tangible Support From You.
The Community Contribution concept helps you increase your income stability and gives your teammates the security provided by active ongoing support from their upline coaches. You included.

Please understand that the term “contribution” is not intended as a “monetary contribution” and not even as a sort of tax or additional expense. Instead, it’s about the tangible, ethical contribution you bring as an active and responsible Partner to the entire Clubshop project development.

Income Titles

Each income title is determined by two conditions: minimum income threshold and minimum GPS type. For example: to be qualified as “Ellison,” your current monthly income must be at least $500, and you need a GPS Pro Plus to ensure the minimum support required by your teammates.


During the whole month, you can always monitor your payable income. If you see that it’s higher than the Max threshold of your current GPS type, you have two choices:

  • Choice A: You have time until the end of the month to optimize your GPS type to get the best income title possible. You need to flag the Automatic Community Contribution Optimization checkbox in your Wallet. The optimized community contribution would be automatically deducted from your payable commissions to protect your full income if you forgot to do it before the end of the month. Your GPS will be upgraded accordingly. You will get a new GPS renewal date only if you upgrade to a higher GPS Type.
  • Choice B: You can stay with the current GPS, but the excess of payable income will be deducted, and you will get the Max income possible for the income title allowed by your current GPS type.


You have a GPS Basic. On April 29th, you notice that your current monthly income is $90, which corresponds to the “Brin” income range. But to be qualified as “Brin,” you also need a GPS Basic Plus. So you can decide to optimize your GPS before the end of the month, to be entitled to the full income as “Brin.”

Or you can stay with your GPS Basic. In that case, $50,01 will be deducted from your commissions, as with a Basic, you are entitled to receive no more than $39.99. The maximum income threshold for a GPS Basic.

BEAR IN MIND: if you renew your GPS by manually paying, don’t forget to check your payable commission balance first.

Why? Because let’s say you have a GPS Basic, your renewal date is the 23rd of this month, and at that moment, you have a 90 dollars payable commission balance.

As $90 is already in the “Brin” Income Title threshold, instead of just renewing your GPS Basic, you may want to upgrade it directly to Basic Plus, which is the minimum GPS type needed to get the “Brin” Title and income.

Doing so, you will have a normal GPS Basic Plus renewal date after 30 days (if you opted for the automatic renewal, the needed amount would be deducted from your payable commissions’ balance on the last day of this month and added again on the first day of the following month to make sure you have it available on December 23rd, your next renewal day).

If, instead, on the 23rd, you only renew your current GPS Basic without upgrading it to Basic Plus, as per the Community Contribution Concept, you’ll need to upgrade it to Basic Plus or higher on the 31st of the same month. In this case, you get a new 30-day renewal date for this new GPS type (for example, in this case, from November 30th until December 29th).

Higher GPS Type

You can always decide at any time to upgrade or downgrade your GPS type according to your needs. But to get a specific income title and get the corresponding full income, both requirements must exist.

Bear in mind: The higher your GPS type and those of your team, the faster you can develop your business.

If you don’t have enough payable commissions to renew your GPS, don’t forget to renew it manually with your Credit/Debit Card or PayPal!

In all your commission statements, you find the table as reported in this example below so that you can monitor all along the month the minimum GPS you need to offer the best support to your organization.


We advise you to monitor your optimization table constantly so that you can even decide to upgrade your GPS type before the renewal day to avoid paying the normal renewal and, maybe a few days later, the community contribution for optimizing your income.

For example:

Let’s say you have a GPS Basic, with renewal on day 29th of the month.

On the 29th, you see that your income for that month is already $52. As you checked in this table, you know that optimizing your current monthly income and offering the minimum support needed by your team requires at least a Basic Plus.

So, instead of renewing the same GPS Basic, you may choose to upgrade to GPS Basic Plus directly.

So, on the last day of the month, the system recognizes the right GPS type and doesn’t deduct your contribution fee from your commissions, even if you have the corresponding checkbox flagged.

Of course, if you have the automatic renewal checkbox flagged, the system will deduct your payable commissions for the amount you need to renew your GPS on your next renewal day.

Click Here To Go To The Compensation Plan Lesson.

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