Team Pilot: The Key Of Your Success

Your GPS is a dedicated CRM System that works for you, 24/7.

It generates leads every month. It distributes them to maximize their benefits as well as yours, and optimize the communication flow with each one of them to keep them interested and excited.

But your credibility as their sponsor and coach is fundamental if you want to achieve outstanding results.

And you gain credibility only with facts that you can proudly show, not with words.

That’s why obtaining the Team Pilot Status must be your first fundamental goal since the very beginning of your Clubshop journey towards your new prosperous life.

See this video to understand better how much you’re going to earn as a successful Clubshop Partner.

Here’s how to visualize clearly your Business Building Process:

  1. Become a Team Pilot. (IMAGE)
  2. Set Up Your Line Builder to help your First Generation Partners become Team Pilots. (IMAGE)