We have a GREAT and noble mission to attain.
We’ll never stop improving every single aspect of our wonderful business until millions of people worldwide will have substantially improved their life.
We add temporary new bonuses and incentives to boost your business development process from time to time.
All these incentives, combined with the “Instant Commissions’ Payment,” explained in this lesson, can significantly speed up your business building process!
Startup Financing Guarantee (Currently NOT Available)

The Startup Financing Guarantee it’s been the most incredible incentive we’ve ever launched!
Even if this is a business and every result you can get can depend only on you, we love to do whatever we can to help the vast majority of people to break-even and start earning well, as soon as possible.
The Startup Financing Guarantee is something that can swipe away in no-time skepticism and fear that Trial Partners may have when they don’t know us yet very well and have to confirm their GPS.
What is it?
It’s straightforward:
If at the end of your first month as a GPS subscriber you have not got as “payable,” at least the 10% of the Pending commissions’ balance that you had when you confirmed your GPS, we pay you the difference!
How it works:
- As a Trial Partner, you need to keep an eye on your pending commissions’ report.
- Each time your Trial GPS assigns you a new Trial Partner, a new pending commission is credited to your income report and the total balance increases.
- At every moment, when you are happy with your Trial Period, you may decide to confirm your GPS and start your Clubshop business in total serenity. Why?
- Because we guarantee that at the end of your first month, you have earned as payable, at least the 10% of the pending commissions that you have in your account when you confirm your GPS, and we receive your payment. With no conditions required. So, you can start your business virtually with ZERO RISK!
- Be careful, though! Don’t wait too long to confirm your GPS! Why? Because during your 30-Day Trial Period, some of your Trial Partners or some Co-sponsors confirm their GPS before you, they hold the corresponding pending commissions, and you lose them. So, your 10% guarantee will decrease consequently.
You are a Trial Partner with a GPS Pro Plus ($89.90).
You see a pending commissions balance of $1278.5
Your Guaranteed commissions are $127.85
You decide to confirm your GPS Pro Plus at that moment and pay its usual 1st-month fee of $89.90.
What may happen in your first month as a GPS Subscriber?
Case A) During your first month as a Real Partner, you only earned $44.95 as payable commissions? No problem; we pay you the remaining amount of $82.9, so in the end, you have earned at least your guaranteed $127.85.
Case B) During your first month as a Real Partner, you earned $554.15 as payable commissions? That’s GREAT! Your payable commissions are higher than your guaranteed commissions, so even better for you and us! We send you the corresponding amount, deducted by the applicable GPS Renewal Fee (or community contribution).
Case C) During your first month as a Real Partner, you earned $00.0 as payable commissions? No problem, we pay you the guaranteed amount of $127.85 that you blocked when you initially confirmed your GPS.
In all cases, the guaranteed amount is also used to renew your GPS automatically.
Did you understand the principle? You can apply to your situation, depending on the GPS Trial that you have.
So, as soon as you have read and understood everything you see on your Trial Partner Control Center, and you see a good pending commissions balance, confirm your GPS right away to block the pending commissions’ balance and the corresponding 10% of it as your guarantee!
The Hyper Duplication Bonus (Currently NOT Available)
The Hyper-Duplication Bonus is one of these incentives. When active (currently NOT active), It is offered to help new Trial Partners speed up their decisional process and confirm their GPS as soon as they have understood how GPS works within the first seven days of their 30-Day Trial Program.
How it works:
When you start your FREE 30-Day Trial Program, we assign you a Hyper-Duplication Bonus of $XX.XX dollars.
The exact initial amount can be different from time to time and, to a higher GPS type, corresponds a higher Hyper-Duplication Bonus.
This bonus decreases since the first second of your Trial Program, and it zeros out on the seventh day of your Trial Period.
It means that the sooner you confirm your GPS, the higher the remaining Bonus that you could cash out.
Because the bonus stops decreasing the moment that we receive your payment (this is another reason why it’s fundamental that when paying, you fill the checkout form with the exact email address you registered ad a Clubshop member).
As usual, when you confirm (pay) your GPS, you also consolidate your “pending” (not payable yet) commissions produced by your Trial Partners.
All your Trial Partners can benefit from their own Hyper-Duplication Bonus, too. So, they are more likely to speed up their decisional process, too.
After you have confirmed (paid) your GPS, each time one of your Trial Partners confirms their GPS, the corresponding pending commission becomes payable.
And, once at least three of these Trial Partners (among all those that you received from your GPS or additional COOP shares) confirm their GPS before the expiration of their Trial Period, the Hyper-Duplication Bonus that you got becomes payable too!
So, in brief: you need two conditions to cash out your Hyper-Duplication Bonus:
- You confirmed your GPS during your first seven days as a Trial Partner.
- Three of the Trial Partners assigned to your Team confirmed their GPS during their 30-Day Trial Period.
That’s it.
Earnings Example with Hyper Duplication Bonus:
Please see below a clear example of how much you could earn thanks to the Hyper-Duplication Bonus AND The Fast Start Bonuses generated by your Trial partners.
Let’s say this is your current situation:
1) you have a GPS Pro Trial (priced $49.90/month, cancel anytime – No Obligations)
2) Your remaining Bonus at the moment of your GPS Payment: $285.383) Three of your Trial Partners confirm their GPS during their 30-day Trial Period as follows: 1 GPS Basic Plus + 1 GPS Pro + 1 GPS Premier Plus.
In this case, you would earn:
- $285.38 + (Your remaining Hyper Bonus)
- $14.95 + (Fast Start Bonus GPS Basic Plus)
- $24.95 +(Fast Start Bonus GPS Pro)
- $124.95 = (Fast Start Bonus GPS Premier Plus)
- ___________
- $450,23 Total Bonuses
As per the example above, as you paid $49.95 to confirm your GPS Pro, you would have started your new Clubshop business with a net income like this:
$450,23 – 49,90 = $400.33
Not bad at all as a first month Clubshop Partner!