Course Content
fe-Commerce VIP – Speed up your business-building process
Discover effective ways to foster a supportive and collaborative team environment that promotes growth, mentorship, and success.
VIP Marketing Actions
This section teaches you how to expand your FREE TNT Global Market with Clubshoppers, Merchant Affiliates, and Affinity Groups.
(LEGACY) Strategic Vision Of Your Clubshop Business
"Ignorant quem portum petat nullus suus ventus est." - Seneca. "No wind is favorable for the sailor who doesn't know which port he wants to land at." Speaking this metaphor Seneca almost certainly had your Clubshop business in mind. Without knowing where you want to go with it, you won't go anywhere. Watching this webinar divided into eight short videos, and sharing the Clubshop mission is therefore essential for anyone who wants to achieve important results with their Clubshop business.
Clubshop GPS Essential Training
About Lesson

The new GPS Landing Page System allows you to effectively promote your business if you already have a basic internet marketing experience.

We keep adding templates for you to use when we get good results from new ones in our campaigns.

Create the URL you prefer for your landing page and use it as you wish but always strictly without spamming.

At any time, you can see how your campaigns are performing by checking at your Landing Pages Statistics here.

Bear in mind that these landing pages are always intended as the 1st step of a proven 3-Step funnel, which is built on the following steps:

  1. Signup for free as a Clubshop Affiliate.
  2. Start Your 30-day FREE GPS Trial.
  3. Confirm (Subscribe to) Your GPS.

These three steps are an essential part of the Clubshop Business Cycle that you have studied in this previous lesson.