Course Content
Your Simplified JumpStart Business Plan
Create a clear vision of the four essential phases of building the global market for your Clubshop mall.
JumpStart Training: How To Transform $19.90 Into $22,000 per month
About Lesson

Phase 4: Leadership Title of Executive Director 6 Stars.

During Phase 3, you qualified as an Executive Director and laid the groundwork for delegating each management task to each of your 6 Directors who, in turn, following exactly the same path as you, are preparing to become Executive Directors themselves.

Each of your 6 Executive Directors generates $2,000 in passive monthly income for you.

At this point, you can choose to simply enjoy your income or continue to add new stars to your team, knowing that each new star will earn you an additional $2,000 per month in addition to the earnings from the parallel development of the global market of your Clubshop Mall, which can continue to grow without any limits.

Visualisation 6-Start Executive Director

Phase 4: Income from Sales at the Shopping Mall.

As already explained in the lesson related to Phase 2, your focus and that of the VIPs on your team in developing the VIP plan has the direct and automatic consequence of creating a Global Market for your Clubshop Mall.

This is because not only do all the VIPs in your Team automatically become part of it, but also all the Clubshoppers who are part of each of their teams, as well as all the offline stores that may have been activated within your market, also contribute to the registration of new Clubshoppers for your shared market.

Now that you have understood the essential process of creating your global Clubshop market, you will certainly be able to see how the essential goal, that is, the creation of a global market made up of 10,000 people (or more) generating an average of $1 in monthly commission is something absolutely feasible, regardless of your previous skills and experiences.

You only need to have faith from the beginning, follow the path step by step, as explained in these lessons, and never give up.

Share your spontaneous enthusiasm as much as possible in every circumstance, and be proud to contribute concretely to pursuing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 1: To eradicate poverty in all its forms and everywhere in the world.

This phase not only underscores your venture’s growth and profitability aspects but also emphasizes the social impact and alignment with broader global goals, fostering a sense of purpose and pride among all participants.

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