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Your Simplified JumpStart Business Plan
Create a clear vision of the four essential phases of building the global market for your Clubshop mall.
JumpStart Training: How To Transform $19.90 Into $22,000 per month
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Phase 2: Upgrade and Start of VIP Plan Development. Completion of the JumpStart Advertising Program.

In Phase 1 of this business plan, you found a way to fund your GPS (Global Partner System) through initial earnings, enabling rapid global market development for your Clubshop mall without any financial strain.

However, as a Clubshopper, you also have the option to activate your GPS platform immediately without waiting for the initial earnings. This provides you with all the necessary tools to effectively manage and accelerate the development of the global consumer market for your Clubshop mall.

In this case, the 10 additional co-op advertising shares (20 Clubshoppers) included in the first month of the GPS would add to the 6 from the JumpStart package, further accelerating the development of your JumpStart Advertising Program seen in Phase 1.

Phase 2: Completion of the JumpStart Advertising Program.

With the completion of Phase 1 and your GPS upgrade, your focus can shift to developing the VIP compensation plan as outlined in Phase 3. However, simply completing Phase 1 through your fourth, fifth, and sixth generations continues to generate Clubshoppers and sales of JumpStart advertising packages, as indicated in the table below, with corresponding earnings. Clubshopper JumpStart Advertising Pack Breakdown: The Clubshopper JumpStart Advertising Pack includes purchasing shares in a cooperative advertising campaign, equating to at least 12 Clubshoppers under the current terms. Here’s a breakdown of how the commissions stack up through six generations of earnings based on the investment in the JumpStart pack, and a minimum $19.90 expenditure per shopper. The following table simplifies the earnings structure: Purchase Price: $19.90 Your Global Market: 1st Generation (Direct Sales): Commission Rate: 25% Number of Clubshoppers: 6 Spending per Shopper: $19.90 Your Earnings per Shopper: $4.98 Total Earnings: $30 Cumulative Earnings: $30 2nd Generation: Commission Rate: 2% Number of Clubshoppers: 36 Spending per Shopper: $19.90 Your Earnings per Shopper: $0.40 Total Earnings: $14 Cumulative Earnings: $44 3rd Generation: Commission Rate: 3% Number of Clubshoppers: 216 Spending per Shopper: $19.90 Your Earnings per Shopper: $0.60 Total Earnings: $129 Cumulative Earnings: $173 4th Generation: Commission Rate: 4% Number of Clubshoppers: 1,296 Spending per Shopper: $19.90 Your Earnings per Shopper: $0.80 Total Earnings: $1,032 Cumulative Earnings: $1,205 5th Generation: Commission Rate: 6% Number of Clubshoppers: 7,776 Spending per Shopper: $19.90 Your Earnings per Shopper: $1.19 Total Earnings: $9,285 Cumulative Earnings: $10,489 6th Generation: Commission Rate: 10% Number of Clubshoppers: 46,656 Spending per Shopper: $19.90 Your Earnings per Shopper: $1.99 Total Earnings: $92,845 Cumulative Earnings: $103,335 TOTALS: Number of Clubshoppers: 55,986 Average Commission per Shopper: $9.95 Total Cumulative Earnings: $103,335 An important acceleration begins at this point: activating your own GPS generates additional advertising shares (at the time of writing this lesson, 10 shares of 2 Clubshoppers each = 20 Clubshoppers) that also flow into your global market, speeding up its expansion.

Moreover, for the same reason just explained, acceleration occurs every time a Clubshopper in your global market upgrades their GPS VIP. As shown in the example earnings table above, this ideal type of development could potentially generate a total of $103,335 in commissions from the purchase of advertising packages.

However, what is even more important to consider is that the development represented in this table allows you to benefit from a shared advertising campaign valued at over $500,000, which leads to creating a global market for your mall. That is the real purpose of the entire strategy.


During Phase 2, the global market of your mall begins to take on considerable size, and the Clubshoppers within it can start to realize that earning Cashback at hundreds of Clubshop stores, in addition to benefiting from special offers, coupons, and various concessions, is very advantageous.

This is how you start to earn commissions automatically from every purchase they make. A win-win situation for all.

How much do you earn from this market in this phase? It’s difficult to say exactly, but it’s important to keep in mind a goal: an average of $1 commission per month for each Clubshopper.

Example: 1000 Clubshoppers x $1 = $1,000 per month.

It’s important to understand that the more Clubshoppers and VIPs use the stores in the mall, the more Clubshop is able to negotiate favorable terms to pass on to the Clubshoppers themselves, increasing the number of companies within the mall and thereby the opportunities for savings and earnings for everyone, creating an endless virtuous circle.

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