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Your Simplified JumpStart Business Plan
Create a clear vision of the four essential phases of building the global market for your Clubshop mall.
JumpStart Training: How To Transform $19.90 Into $22,000 per month
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Phase 1: Initial Income from JumpStart Advertising Program for VIP Upgrade Self-Financing

  • Source: Purchases of JumpStart Advertising Packages
  • Type: Direct + indirect commissions across 6 total generations.

 Clubshopper JumpStart Advertising Pack Breakdown: The Clubshopper JumpStart Advertising Pack includes purchasing shares in a cooperative advertising campaign, equating to at least 12 Clubshoppers under the current terms. Here’s a breakdown of how the commissions stack up through six generations of earnings based on the investment in the JumpStart pack, and a minimum $19.90 expenditure per shopper. The following table simplifies the earnings structure: Purchase Price: $19.90 Your Global Market: 1st Generation (Direct Sales): Commission Rate: 25% Number of Clubshoppers: 6 Spending per Shopper: $19.90 Your Earnings per Shopper: $4.98 Total Earnings: $30 Cumulative Earnings: $30 2nd Generation: Commission Rate: 2% Number of Clubshoppers: 36 Spending per Shopper: $19.90 Your Earnings per Shopper: $0.40 Total Earnings: $14 Cumulative Earnings: $44 3rd Generation: Commission Rate: 3% Number of Clubshoppers: 216 Spending per Shopper: $19.90 Your Earnings per Shopper: $0.60 Total Earnings: $129 Cumulative Earnings: $173 4th Generation: Commission Rate: 4% Number of Clubshoppers: 1,296 Spending per Shopper: $19.90 Your Earnings per Shopper: $0.80 Total Earnings: $1,032 Cumulative Earnings: $1,205 5th Generation: Commission Rate: 6% Number of Clubshoppers: 7,776 Spending per Shopper: $19.90 Your Earnings per Shopper: $1.19 Total Earnings: $9,285 Cumulative Earnings: $10,489 6th Generation: Commission Rate: 10% Number of Clubshoppers: 46,656 Spending per Shopper: $19.90 Your Earnings per Shopper: $1.99 Total Earnings: $92,845 Cumulative Earnings: $103,335 TOTALS: Number of Clubshoppers: 55,986 Average Commission per Shopper: $9.95 Total Cumulative Earnings: $103,335

COMMON GOAL: All participating Clubshoppers should have a single initial goal: to engage in the cooperative advertising campaign by immediately ordering their own JumpStart package at $19.90 to receive the first 12 Clubshoppers for their mall as soon as possible and to ensure that at least six of these $19.90 advertising packages are ordered.
NOTE: It is important to understand that for the purposes of earning projection, it is not necessary for 6 different people to purchase a package.
Indeed, if, for example, one person decided to buy 6 packages, the result in terms of both commission generated and duplication would be the same.
The income from the JumpStart Program develops as a natural consequence of the purpose for which it was created: “to enable anyone to start their own business at a cost accessible to all, investing in targeted advertising aimed at generating the first affiliates and the first potential earnings even before starting their business as a VIP.”
Thanks to this initial goal, which is not mandatory for anyone, it is possible for anyone to self-finance the purchase of the GPS with the earnings obtained, potentially in a very short time, without having to pay anything out of their own pocket.
The potential earnings projection shown in the image above demonstrates how the direct commissions of 25% on the packages purchased by your Clubshoppers allow you to break even with the first 4 packages purchased by your Clubshoppers and to start making a profit from the fifth package.
Ideally, completing the first generation with six packages purchased (as explained above, these could also be purchased by a single person) already yields a net profit of $10.10 ($30 – $19.90).
This must be the only goal of all Clubshoppers. The simple implementation of this common goal creates subsequent generations, as shown in the table above.
The initial goal mentioned above, namely to earn the first $30, sought and achieved by your first three generations, automatically creates over 200 potential VIPs (soon able to self-finance the VIP GPS), that is, your GQ sufficient for the Executive Director qualification.
The subsequent achievement of the same initial goal by the next three generations (4th, 5th, 6th) leads to a team formed by 55,986 Clubshoppers in total, which is much more than the 10,000 initially projected for your global TNT market.
All these people can produce, in addition to the commissions generated from the JumpStart Advertising Pack, commissions on purchases in the Mall, as indicated in the table included in Phase 4 of this business plan.
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