Course Content
Your Simplified JumpStart Business Plan
Create a clear vision of the four essential phases of building the global market for your Clubshop mall.
JumpStart Training: How To Transform $19.90 Into $22,000 per month
About Lesson

Multiple Sources of Income

As explained in the previous lesson, the path to creating the market for your Clubshop mall automatically leads to the simultaneous creation of at least three separate but interlinked sources of income, each with the objectives listed in the table below.

Phase 1 Initial Income from JumpStart Advertising Program for VIP Upgrade Self-Financing $173
Phase 2 Upgrade and Start of VIP Plan Development -$150
Phase 2 Completion of JumpStart Advertising Program $103,335
Phase 3 Leadership Title of Executive Director $4.000 / month
Phase 4 Leadership Title of 6-Star Executive Director $12.000 / month
Phase 4 Income from the Clubshop Mall’s sales $10.000 / month

This structured approach ensures that as you progress through each phase, your income potential increases, and you diversify your earnings through different streams, enhancing financial stability and growth.  

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