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Persistence is Key: Register All Your Purchases

The first essential step to making money with Clubshop is consistency. We advise you to register every offline purchase you make—every day if needed—to accumulate as much cashback as possible. The more receipts you upload, the more your offline cashback grows.

You can be strategic with your purchases. For example, balance your offline purchases with online shopping through the Clubshop Mall to maximize your earnings. Remember, you have a 6-month window to match offline transactions with online ones, so there’s no rush—you have plenty of time to match them.

Here’s a tip: you can upload receipts from purchases even if you didn’t make the purchase yourself. For example, ask your friends or family members for their receipts and upload them to your Clubshop account to earn even more GIFTED Cashback. If they ask why, you can explain that Clubshop pays you 5% (or 15% as a VIP) cashback on all offline purchases. And if they tell you they want to earn that cashback, you can show them your Clubshop Landing Page QR code so they can sign up as Clubshoppers and start earning, too!

TIP: Set up your landing page now by giving it a unique name. Then, download its QR Code and save it on your mobile device so it is always ready when you need it.

Unlock Earnings Through the Cooperative Marketing System

When you become a VIP, you gain access to Cooperative Advertising Shares. As part of your first month’s Global Partner System (GPS) subscription, you receive 10 Cooperative Advertising Shares. This guarantees at least 20 Clubshoppers in your global market. You can always order additional shares anytime, expanding your global market even further.

Here’s the exciting part: your global market can grow infinitely. Every time you or other VIPs in your TNT Global Market order Cooperative Advertising Shares, it opens up a potentially limitless income stream. Imagine earning from the everyday shopping of thousands—or even millions—of people worldwide, people you’ve never met but who are part of your global market.

Making Money From Others’ Everyday Shopping

With Clubshop’s business model, you can earn passive income from other people’s everyday shopping. While not every single person in your market will generate commissions each month, on average, you can still estimate realistic earnings.

For example, in a market of 10,000 people, some members might generate $0 in a given month, while others might generate $0.60, $2, $4, or even $30 or $60 or more. The key is to focus on the monthly average commission. A reasonable and realistic projection would be aiming for an average of $1 per person.

So, if your market includes 1,000 people, and each person generates an average of $1 per month, you could earn $1,000 per month. As your market grows to include 10,000 people, you could earn $10,000 per month. If the average commission rises to $2 per person, your monthly earnings would double to $20,000.

This model allows you to scale your income as your global market grows. Helping others save on their everyday shopping generates a steady stream of passive income with no limits.

This is why it’s important to focus on three key activities:

  1. Register all your offline purchases daily – and remember, you can upload receipts from others, too.
  2. Become a VIP – to maximize your cashback (15%) and start earning passive income from other people’s everyday shopping.
  3. Order Cooperative Advertising Shares – to grow your global market faster and generate income from a larger pool of shoppers.

Alternatively (or in addition), you can use your Clubshop QR code to help others sign up for free as Clubshoppers in seconds. Keep the QR code handy on your phone or any customizable Clubshop merchandise to easily share it with others.

REMEMBER: As a VIP, you’ll earn commissions from the everyday shopping of everyone who joins through your QR code, and even from those who are in your TNT Global Market but were referred by other Clubshop Members.

Maximizing Your Earnings with the Clubshop Compensation Plan

Now let’s take a look at how the Clubshop Compensation Plan works and the income streams it provides:

  1. Gifted Universal Offline Cashback
    Earn cashback on all your everyday offline purchases (5% for Clubshoppers, up to 15% for VIPs) after matching with online purchases.
  2. Online Cashback
    Receive cashback from online purchases through the Clubshop Mall, with no need to match with offline transactions.
  3. VIP TNT Commissions
    As a VIP, earn commissions from the global market built through the TNT strategy and Cooperative Marketing. This can expand to an unlimited number of generations, multiplying your earnings.
  4. Monthly Residual Income from GPS Subscriptions
    Earn residual income from VIPs’ GPS subscriptions in your global market. For example, you earn $12.50 per month from each VIP subscription of your personally referred VIPs (for example all those who subscribed to GPS after you received them from the Cooperative Advertising Campaigns).

The Big Picture: Earning Potential
The Clubshop system is designed to make it easy for you to build a vast global market of end consumers and VIPs. Enabling others save money on their everyday shopping generates a growing stream of passive income with no limits. The potential is there, whether you’re aiming for a few hundred dollars per month or tens of thousands. Your earnings grow as your global market expands.

Key Actions for Success:

  1. Register all your purchases—and others’ receipts—every day.
  2. Become a VIP to unlock higher cashback and earn passive income.
  3. Order Cooperative Advertising Shares to accelerate your global market growth.
  4. Share your Clubshop QR code to help others sign up quickly and easily.

The more you engage with the system, the bigger your earning potential becomes:

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